суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

celtic symbol for mermaid

Whew. A lot of things happened today. It's a weekend but I had to get up early for our company's little bowling tournament. Not the serious type though. It was just some sort of a team building activity rather than a serious competition. The previous days, I didn't really want to go. I just wanted to stay home and maybe sleep til noon and scour the internet when I wake up. But I'm glad I went there. It was fun. I'm looking forward to next year's bowling.

So after our bowling, I met up with my mom and sister at the mall. Since I'm starting my language training next month, I decided to go to the bookstore to buy some stuff that I will need. (I over spent Imagine, how can someone over spend at a bookstore?) I bought a lot of stuff that might not even be necessary. But I liked how they looked so I got them anyway. When I was about to pay already, the queue to all the cashiers were long. I didn't have to choose. I just went to the closest cashier. I just noticed that the lady at the counter was really really slow. The lady behind me was already complaining.

"Why is that lady so slow?" she was talking to her son. Her son, after a few minutes, asked the same question. The kid was what? 7 years old? (more or less). I mean when I was 7 did I ask the same stuff? Did I ever get annoyed because the queue is too long? I think not. Imagine how strong his mom's influence is?

It didn't end there. When we were withing the lady's hearing range, she asked the same question as if talking to someone (maybe to her son but I don't think so) and she was intentionally saying it aloud so that the lady would hear.

My point is, she didn't have to say it that way. I don't know. Maybe if I was in the cashier's shoes, I would have opted to be confronted directly. It's not my business but sometimes people just don't know (or they don't care at all) that they're already hurting someone.

It could have been a tactless remark but then she didn't have to say it that way.

Sometimes, we need to think (really hard) before saying anything. Because even words can hurt.

bas prices, celtic symbol for mermaid, celtic symbol for lion, celtic symbol for life, celtic symbol for hope.

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