пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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"I never trust This American Life"
-Garrison Keillor

Iapos;m sitting around the big yellow house in the most unladylike manner. I got back from the Naval War College Museum late, so I didnapos;t get a chance to change. I wore a new business dress today. Itapos;s one of those very conservative jumper sheath dress thingies that one usually wears a blouse underneath that have gotten popular. You may have seen them around Wall Street, or perhaps on Michelle Obama. Well, I had noticed today that I was getting a lot of elevator eyes around the naval base and at the 7-11 where I get my monster diet cokes. I walked around, thinking that it was really true that if you left a little something to the imagination that you got more of a response. When I got to my second job after a day at the museum, i looked in the mirror and noticed that my dress had been hiking up. It had been all day--I was constantly pulling it down. What I didnapos;t notice is that when it did, the vent in the back hiked up to about two inches from glory. Sure, sailors are just going to look. But I was also giving them a bit of a show. I guess itapos;s time to buy a slip.

This was right after I justified my "ERA yes" button as an historical artifact and not a political statement. It would have been fair to say it was both. The "Veterans for Obama" button was not as ambiguous. Silly federal government rules about not supporting candidates.

Do you remember that story I sent you about memory and history? i turned it in as a paper. I was nervous that the prof would like it. Although there was a bit of a negative tone to it, he loved it. He suggested that I come talk to him about getting it published. As much as I want to laugh it off, I think that I should do it. After all, i need to get over this fear of disclosure that I have if iapos;m going to be a rock star astronaut senator.

Speaking of being an astronaut senator, today was kind of a sad day at work. Lately, things have been going well for me I think. We had a big meeting for the department project (remember--the one that I got uncomfortable in and quit last year). I disagreed with some people. Instead of thinking things and then quietly sitting by, I made a big stand. I had to talk over people and interrupt and everything. And surprisingly, people listened. And its looking like things might go my way. Add into that that things are going well with the Veterans group. I read a bunch of IRS stuff about veteranapos;s and non-profit status and i got in touch with a friend of mine in whoapos;s a tax lawyer and it looks like this thing is a go. All of this has been feeding into a childhood dream iapos;ve had of getting involved in local politics. Iapos;ve been fantasizing about it more and more. Blame it on the political climate. But iapos;ve also been thinking that for next year, I want to try to find a job that will help me work at the policy level. Maybe not immediately, but eventually. Something in cultural advocacy. At my PMF interview, the nice lady said that I had a good shot at it. At any rate, I had my first big meeting with the new education director at the Naval War College. I outlined the ideas I had for the mission, goals, and strategic plan for the museum, along with a list of programs what would take the museum into the age of being full of community based programs, curriculum linked tours, and relevant programming. He was...not as convinced. I think that we found a nice middle ground. Iapos;ll be working on better docent training and better tours for school groups. Hopefully I can get him thinking more of community programming over the course of the semester. But really, it made me a little sad. How do I expect to convince congress that we need more funding for the humanities if I canapos;t convince an *education director* that we need better education. Sad.

Iapos;m not getting any schoolwork done tonight. Not a surprise. I remember that I used to motivate myself to do things on thursdays. What happend to that?
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