пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

by country muslim type wide world

Madam Rosemerta looked out her bedroom window on her way to bed, seeing two figures hurrying down the road. The younger of the two was struggling trying to hold up the older person as they walked along. Recognizing the person that was barely standing she rushed down the steps, out the front of her tavern, to see if she could help.

ldquo;Professor Dumbledorerdquo;

ldquo;Ah Rosemerta, so nice to see you on this lovely evening.rdquo;

ldquo;Albus why are you leaning on this boy, have you been injured?rdquo;

ldquo;I will be just fine, my dear. It would seem that I have drunk something that does not agree with me. Young Harry here has been kind enough to assist me back to the School.rdquo;

ldquo;Is there anything I can do?rdquo;

ldquo;As a matter of fact do you have any brooms handy? The faster I can return to Hogwarts the sooner I can see Madam Pomfrey about my illness.rdquo;

ldquo;I have a couple behind the bar. Would you like me to fetch them for you?rdquo;

ldquo;Donrsquo;t trouble yourself, Madam, Harry can get them. If that is agreeable to you, Harry.rdquo;

ldquo;Yes Professor.rdquo; Shifting his hold on Dumbledore Harry lifts his wand,rdquo; Accio Rosemertarsquo;s Brooms.rdquo;

Within minutes two brooms were heard crashing through the door and coming to a stop in front of Harry. He quickly aids Dumbledore in mounting one broom before arranging himself on the second.

ldquo;Thank you Madam, it is much appreciated. Off we go Harry.rdquo;

The men take flight gripping their brooms tightly as they rush up the hill towards Hogwarts. Rosemerta watches until they are out of sight before returning to her bed for the evening. Puzzling over the circumstances that would have Dumbledore away from the school this late at night with a student.

They pushed the brooms to their limits managing to reach their destination within five minutes time. Landing on top of the Astronomy tower.

ldquo;I believe we should leave these here for tonight. Do you have your cloak with you Harry?rdquo;

ldquo;Yes sir.rdquo;

ldquo;Please put it on. I think it will be better if no one sees you were out with me this evening.rdquo;

He waited patiently as Harry settled the cloak over himself.

ldquo;Now please stay quiet until otherwise told.rdquo; Dumbledore said as he opened the door, heading down the steps. As he opened the door at the bottom he was alerted to a noise to the right of where they were. Stopping to assess the situation, Harry leaned around him in time to see a group of Deatheaters exiting the Room of Requirement behind Malfoy.

The group froze on the spot when they realized Dumbledore was watching them.

ldquo;Well well if it isnrsquo;t the old man himself.rdquo; Greyback stated stepping forward.

ldquo;Wait, this is my job. Now get back with the others.rdquo; Malfoy stepped around him dismissively. ldquo;You take care of anyone else who comes along.rdquo;

ldquo;Of course. Irsquo;m sure reinforcements will be arriving soon to protect their great leader.rdquo; Greyback reluctantly moved aside.

Harry was ready to do battle with Malfoy himself, when he realized his limbs were frozen in place. Dumbledore must have cast a spell so he would not interfere.

ldquo;There will be no one coming to help me. So please tell me what you have in mind Draco.rdquo;

ldquo;I have been given the task of killing you. Now if you would quietly allow me to complete my mission before anyone finds us. For I do not believe our entrance would go unnoticed for long. I would like to be ready to battle my opponents, something I cannot be if you are still breathing.rdquo;

ldquo;Oh but there will be no battle here tonight, Irsquo;m afraid.rdquo;

ldquo;What are you talking about you fool? Of course there will be a battle. Irsquo;m not naive enough to think your stupid Order lot would let me walk out of here after you are dead. Or do you think you can talk me out of my task?rdquo;

ldquo; I know the task, as you call it, will be finished. I also know that someone other then the Order has decided there will be no battle here.rdquo;

ldquo;Who has decided this? Our story clearly states there will be a confrontation on these grounds this evening.rdquo;

ldquo;I am aware of our story, but alas someone has decided it just wasnrsquo;t good enough.rdquo;

ldquo;I donrsquo;t understand, we are to fight with Potterrsquo;s friends as we leave the school, after I have disarmed and bested you.rdquo;

ldquo;That is the way JoAnne wrote it but Irsquo;m afraid that is not to be. The authorities who make the final decisions have come to the conclusion that people do not want to see two battles of Hogwarts. So instead they are stopping at my death.rdquo;

Proffessor Snape arrives just in time to hear the end of this speech.

ldquo;What nonsense is this. Are those wretched fanfiction writers at it again?rdquo; Draco asked.

ldquo;This isnrsquo;t the work of fan fiction. Even when those writers place me withhellip;rdquo;shudders, ldquo;Potter they write better drivel then this.rdquo; Snape answers.

ldquo;You are right of course Severus. This is coming from the ones who control the money. They believe they are the only ones who know what people want to see.rdquo;

ldquo;No, I am here to fight and I am not leaving until I do.rdquo; growled Greyback.

ldquo;Irsquo;m sorry to disappoint you but it is not going to happen. Draco is going to disarm me as he said, then I will fall in the way I am supposed tohellip;rdquo; He looks over to Snape as he says this, ldquo; You will all manage to escape quite easily. I regret that it has to be this way but I am not given any say in the matter. If it makes you feel any better, they have also decided I am not worth the fuss of burial.rdquo;

ldquo;Well letrsquo;s get this over with then.rdquo;

ldquo;As you wish Mr Malfoy. Can you just give an old man a moment to prepare myself.rdquo; Dumbledore whispers quietly so only Harry can here. ldquo;Please do not struggle or fight. This is the way it is to be. Just remember what I have taught you.rdquo;

ldquo;Who are you talking to?rdquo;

ldquo;Just thinking out loud. I believe I am ready now. Do not fuss I am not going to fight.rdquo;

ldquo;Finally. Expelliramus.rdquo; Dumbledorersquo;s wand flies from his hand without out hesitation. ldquo;Now How does it feel to know one of your students is going to be the one to end your life?rdquo;

ldquo;I donrsquo;t think that is going to happen. You are no killer Draco. I do not think you want to become one either.rdquo;

ldquo;Yoursquo;re a fool then.rdquo;

ldquo;If that is so I would have been dead within minutes of finding you and your friends.rdquo;

ldquo;You were to busy talking so I didnrsquo;t have a chance to do anything.rdquo;

ldquo;It is alright. There is no shame in staying innocent.rdquo;

ldquo;Innocent? I am not innocent.rdquo;

Snape stepped forward.

ldquo; Why donrsquo;t I just do this. I am tired of waiting. He is right no one is coming yet but they will soon so letrsquo;s get on with things. I would like to be gone before they find him.rdquo;

ldquo;Bbbut this is my mission.rdquo;

ldquo;Well You arenrsquo;t doing it and Irsquo;m not going to be caught because of your fears. Now step aside this instant.rdquo;

ldquo;Please do as he says Draco. We all know you are not a murderer.rdquo;

Pushing Draco behind him Snape levels his wand at Dumbledore. Hesitating.

ldquo;Please Severusrdquo; Dumbledore begged with a significant look at Snape. Taking a deep breath Snape says the final words.

ldquo;Avada Kedavrardquo;

Dumbledore flies through the air landing in a crumpled heap feet away from where he was standing. As soon as the words had left his mouth Snape grabbed Draco dragging him out of the castle where they apperated along with the other Deatheaters.

Immediately after Harry is free from his bindings allowing him to throw off his cloak as he runs to the Headmasters side. Harry hears footsteps running down the hall. He is to upset to care if the Deatheaters had decided to return to kill him as well. He didnrsquo;t move from his position by Dumbledore until he heard excited voices around him.

ldquo;Harry what happened?rdquo; Hermione asked near tears at the sight of the beloved Headmaster.

ldquo;Malfoyhellip;.Deatheatershellip;.Snapehellip;.Hersquo;s deadhellip;I didnrsquo;t helphellip;.Hersquo;s dead because of me.rdquo;

ldquo;Harry calm down. Please let go. We need to figure this out.rdquo;

ldquo;I couldnrsquo;t do anything. He wouldnrsquo;t let me. He knew what was happening but he let it happen anyway.rdquo; Harry cried. ldquo;Now I wonrsquo;t even get to say goodbye.rdquo;

ldquo;Of course you will get to say goodbye. That is what funerals are for.rdquo;

ldquo;Hersquo;s not going to have one. He said even though JoAnne wrote one we are not allowed to give it to him.rdquo;

ldquo;Why thatrsquo;s ridiculus. Nobody will stand for this.rdquo;

ldquo;We donrsquo;t have a choice.rdquo;

ldquo;Well this isnrsquo;t good.rdquo;

ldquo;No it isnrsquo;t. But he knew it had to be. Now I guess we might as well go to bed since this is going to be the end of our story.rdquo;

ldquo;Yeah, maybe we better. Maybe next time wersquo;ll be allowed to do something nice. Like attend a wedding.rdquo;

A/N - Sorry I was kind of upset that they are going to ruin yet another Harry Potter movie so I borrowed JKRapos;s characters to make my version of the messed up ending. Wish they were my Characters so I could tell the producers where they could stick their version.

by country muslim type wide world, by country name, by country oda oecd trend.

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