понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Kathy went on her first Caribbean dives yesterday. I was unable to make it and Doc stayed with me (sweetheart). Kathy was as thrilled as you would expect since the only diving sheapos;s done in years is in a quarry. We love listening to her report at lunch.

Today we all went. We had told Kathy all about Bill and how the dive boat usually had few people on it. Bill is in the states and Kathy wonapos;t get to meet him. We emailed Bill before we booked to see if heapos;d be here. Ah well, Callie an DJ are excellent dive masters and not as cranky as Bill. Donapos;t get me wrong, we love Bill, cranky and all.

Itapos;s a great day for diving. This visibility is actually quite poor compared to other trips here (thank you Omar) but still terrific. Still able to see tons of interesting things.

We got back in plenty of time for lunch and I had what Iapos;ve been waiting over a year for....a tall, cold glass of Hairoun beer. Itapos;s great after diving. Of course, now I need a nap So what else is new.

The island is beautiful as ever. Itapos;s the greenest Iapos;ve seen it and the flowers are blooming everywhere. But no matter how lovely I wouldnapos;t trade it for my house on the hill back home....no place to keep horses ;-)

More later this week.

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